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The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is on Sunday morning 9th May, at St Michael's, following the church service. It will start at about 11:15am.

Notice of the meeting, and the Electoral Roll, are being advertised near the door of the two churches - as required by the formal process.

This year we have chosen to send the reports out to everybody on the Electoral Roll that we have an email address for, because we will not all be able to be present in St Michael's


How will you attend?


Documents for the meeting

To keep the meeting short, reports will not be read out at the meeting this year, that is why we are sending them in advance. Please bring your own copy to the meeting - on your Tablet, or print your own copy.


Questions and Discussion at the meeting

  • So that everyone - in the room and on Zoom can hear what you say, we need to ask you to wait for the microphone before speaking.

  • It will help us to manage the meeting if you could send me any questions in advance.



Andrew Palmer, PCC Secretary
Brinsley with Underwood PCC

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